Beating the Competition

Before stepping into any sort of business competition, most will consider a variety of things.  How are the products and services differentiated?  How many other companies are in the mix?  What role does price play in the decision-making process?

While those questions are important, the little things can ultimately be what matters.  For example, it is not uncommon for a client to tell you what it takes to land the business.  But if you don’t ask, or worse yet, aren’t listening, you won’t hear it.  Todays products and services can also be technically complicated, in fact many customers would say too complicated.  The one that can make the complicated simple will likely gain trust more than the one who delivers glitz and glamour with no substance.

Rising above the competition doesn’t have to be that hard.  Do all of the little things consistently a little bit better than anyone else.  Diligently address client’s needs and solve their problems for the mutual benefit of all.  Run the marathon rather than take short cuts, as great success takes time.  Rely on the fact that the cream will always rise to the top.

When I take on a client, business relationships and teamwork improves, financial goals are met, and personal piece of mind follows.

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